TAG Scholarship Fund.

Take Action Global and its community of 1,000s of volunteer global educators from around the world work each day to bring climate education to schools. In 2022, we were able to partner with 100 schools from 28 countries who were committed to bringing climate education into every classroom and across all subjects for the entire school year.

We set out hoping to find 100 dedicated schools to join our new Climate Action Schools program. We were overwhelmed when nearly 500 schools applied to join.

Today, we ask for your support to help us increase access to climate education for all. Donations will help us provide scholarships to schools in need ready on our waiting list for 2023.

Our commitments:

  • Equal parts global north and global south
  • Professional development for educators, parents, and caregivers
  • Inclusive and responsive instructional design
  • Focus on research with measurements and reporting of actions and impact

Our 2022 Scholarship Fund Campaign kicks off on November 29, 2022 and runs through the end of the calendar year on December 31, 2022.

3 Ways to Support

Join us in donating. 

Every single donation matters. 

Join us in sharing. 

We invite you to share on social media, in newsletters, on message boards, and with people who also care about climate action education.

Join us in learning. 

We believe climate action education is critical for our planet. Sign up for our monthly Take Action Global newsletter to receive information on latest research, events, and ways to get involved.