Committing to Climate Action Education
Dr. Jennifer Williams, Take Action Global, International Educator Community
We know to tackle the climate crisis, we will need the hands, hearts, and best ideas from every person at every age from everywhere. Take Action Global is proud to offer the Climate Action Schools Program for global PreK-12 schools.
Ready to take action for the planet through project-based learning, global collaboration, digital agency and environmental justice? We’d love to invite you to join our 2023-2024 Climate Action School year!
Each participating school will:
- Be matched with three other global schools for virtual exchange and guided action
- Engage in environment across-the-curriculum activities enabling students to use edtech for a purpose
- Integrate social-emotional learning, wellness, innovation, and student-centered practices in teaching and learning
- Participate in tree planting experiences, school climate audits, Global Earth Day Celebrations
- Access school-to-home and school-to-community outreach opportunities and an educator community portal with professional development and teacher certification
- Become a designated Climate Action School (school banner included!)
Program information:
- Climate Action Schools:
- Example of a school-wide initiative: The Promise of A Garden
Photo Credit: Dr. Mary Meadows, Andrews Academy