LEGO® Build the Change
Education Community Programs by Take Action Global
Take Action Global and LEGO® Build the Change are proud to partner to support playful learning and creative building to take action for the planet. In support of LEGO® Build the Change’s mission to make sure young people are heard and can use their ideas and visions to inspire leaders around the world, Take Action Global offers free programs for educators, students, and schools. Join us!
LEGO® Build the Change Monthly Mini Missions by Take Action Global
- Monthly mini-missions for global classrooms
- Free for all ages
- Problem-solving, creative expression, design thinking
Lead one of our mini-missions in your class, and submit for a chance to have your students’ ideas featured by LEGO® Build the Change and Take Action Global.
Mini Mission 1: Design a Nature-First Building
Mini Mission 2: Clean the Ocean
Mini Mission 3: Clean the Air
Mini Mission 4: Design Planet-Friendly Transportation
Mini Mission 5: Build an Investigative Tool
Mini Mission 6: Sustainable School Solutions
Mini Mission 7: Build a Sustainable School
Mini Mission 8: Capture all the energy around us
LEGO® Build the Change Showcase Schools by Take Action Global
- Annual application and selection of cohort of schools
- global collaboration, prototyping, content creation
- 2023 schools covering five continents: Belgium, Colombia, Egypt, Honduras, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Moldova, Morocco, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, UAE, USA and Venezuela
LEGO® Build the Change Professional Development by Take Action Global
- Webinars for classrooms
- Professional learning experiences for educators
- Climate Action Project and Climate Action Day exclusive sessions