Climate Action School Spotlight: Small Actions Lead to Impactful Results

Climate Action School Spotlight: Small Actions Lead to Impactful Results

  • Location: Mexico
  • School name: Colegio Latino
  • Students’ age: 11 to 18
  • Amount of students involved: 65

The students of Colegio Latino are doing their part and finding local solutions to climate change. Led by their teacher, Kenia Rivero, these students were a part of the Climate Action Project. 

Their project began with a commitment to clean beaches. The students’ local beach, Sánchez Magallanes, is important to their local community and economy. It’s a place where families get together and where some families sell goods. The students walked the beaches and picked up plastic, rubbish, and glass. 

Another highlight of the project was recycling kitchen oil, which some students converted into small soaps for people with diabetes, showing their commitment to planetary and human health. Such initiatives demonstrated that even small actions could lead to impactful results. Below is a quote from Kenia Rivero:

Climate Action School Spotlight: Small Actions Lead to Impactful Results

“Participating in this project gives me great satisfaction as a teacher since I have in my hands the power to bring about a change in the new generations. I think that a small action can achieve a great result.”

Next in their environmental restoration project was tree planting. They all gathered saplings and had them take root around their school. Vegetable cultivation was the next step on along their journey toward a greener future.

Kenia Rivero shared the students’ excitement with their newfound knowledge and experiences in climate action. The Climate Action Project has driven the students to become ambassadors for environmental awareness and create more positive change in their communities.